Access to this site is restricted to residents of countries where alcohol consumption is authorized and to people above the legal age for consumption of alcohol in their countries.
Use of the site implies acceptance of the present conditions and warnings. Simply by connecting to the site, users acknowledge that they accept a temporary, non-exclusive and non-transmissible right to use the site’s content.
Usage must be personal and private. Any use for collective or professional purposes is prohibited, as is any dissemination by electronic means.
The user is only authorized to reproduce the content of the site for storage purposes in order to represent this content on the screen of a single computer; any other reproduction on hard copy and/or electronic medium, and more generally any other use, is subject to the express prior authorization of CHATEAU DE FIEUZAL, the editor of the site.
CHATEAU DE FIEUZAL may not be held responsible for any damage suffered by the user’s computer, any loss of data following consultation of the site, or any direct or indirect damage resulting from use of this site or the possibility of accessing it.